Most up to date posts are on Facebook. This is mainly a place holder for our dogs and kennel information. I am updating this week with kids and accomplishments and photos….and….much more!!
Oct 08
Morgan x Plum Puppies are HERE!!
Cocktails are served!!
Watch our Facebook page for consistent drink service….
Oct 01

Squirrel has a page….
Wee One has a page….
Progeny Pages Updates….
Riddle & Myrtle Gallery’s updated….
Professional Handling Portion defined…
Assistant Page…
Sep 22
Website Updates Happening!!!
Going to be updating some dogs, information, etc….Taking some time off from shows helps get this stuff back on track!!
Mar 29
IABCA was FAVOR’ite and full of FLAME’s

So proud of owner Leilani and Flame getting Best Breed Puppy and a Working group 2 Puppy with some nice puppies in there. She earned her National Puppy Championship Title that weekend.

Favor was a super star as well. 4 x Group 1 Bred By Puppy Group Placements AND 2 x Group 2 Puppy Group Placements. She also earned her National Puppy Championship Title that weekend.
(Yes, we know it is a “fun” title, but it is the growth and maturity that these puppies are showing that is what makes us so excited for our future)
Mar 29
Canada has a FAVOR`ite
I am excited to say Favor surprised us all in Canada. 6 months old and her 1st real dog show competing for points.
Friday WB BOS BP judge Mrs Anne Felske-Jackman 1 point
Sunday WB BOW BOS BP judge Mr Micheal Wood 2 points

Can Ptd (3) 2Infinity And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Feb 07

This is our WEE ONE. Boy does she have a “tail” to tell!!!!
2021, December 30 = Tigger X Diago – 2Infinity Rottweilers LLC
Feb 05
Drinks Well With OTHERS

Porter is off on a new Adventure. He is on route to an AMAZING retirement home in Spokane WA. The new people are seriously going to spoil him beyond all belief. I am so happy that he will be the ONLY dog, go camping, go on a boat, and own 5 acres of his space!!
We Love you Porter…enjoy retirement!!!
Feb 02
And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

2Infinity And May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Favor was Best of Breed Baby Puppy at the ARC Regional Specialty in Puyallup WA in January 2022. With her handler Kristle Maragon she rocked the ring and took charge. Not bad for a baby that had gone to attempt to walk around at one show in December. So proud of how this young lady is growing…
Feb 02