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Professional Handling Agreement

****This is the 2024 version and modified to fit the computer screen. The formatted version is available for use.****

Dog Show Handling Agreement

This is a Dog Show Handling Agreement with 2Infinity Professional Handling (DBA of 2Infinity Rottweilers LLC), hereafter knowns as 2Infinity and the below individuals.

Clients(s) printed name(s): _____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________ Primary Phone: __________________________,

hereafter known as the Client(s),

Dog (#1) Handling Call Name: ________________________________________

AKC Reg Name: _________________________________________________________________________

DOB: ___________________ Breed: ______________________ Vaccination Records: Attached Emailed

Dog (#2) Handling Call Name: ________________________________________

AKC Reg Name: _________________________________________________________________________

DOB: ___________________ Breed: ______________________ Vaccination Records: Attached Emailed


1.  Client(s) have reviewed 2Infinitys Price List* and agree to pay the outlined prices for the above-described dog(s). 

2.  Client(s) also understand that they are responsible for the FULL invoice/bill after the closing date of the show the Client(s) have booked with 2Infinity.  The Client(s) understands the act of “booking” your dog(s) in a show is a financial commitment to 2Infinity, this could be through email, messenger, text, or other forms of communication.  2Infinity will ensure the Client(s) spot on their roster/string upon booking 2Infinity and will NOT give their spot away. 

3.  Client(s) understands that if they WITHDRAWL/CANCEL entries for the above-described dog(s) prior to closing and FAIL to communicate to 2Infinity prior to 10 am on the closing date of the show, they are still responsible for the FULL invoice/bill of the show. 

4.  Client(s) understands if a show is canceled for any circumstances outside 2Infinity’s control (ex: COVID, Weather) the Client(s) are responsible for all fees/costs that 2Infinity is unable to recover.  An example of some of these expenses (including but not limited to) are RV overnight stays, Hotel reservations, grooming spots, airline tickets, car rentals, etc.…

5.  2Infinity may offer deals for some handling services; these are on a case-by-case basis and do not set precedent for the Client(s) future prices.

6.  2Infinity may in the best interest of a dog(s) choose not to show them at or during a show, 2Infinity will use their discretion to review the show expenses and potentially reduce them.  This is a case-by-case basis and will be communicated to the owner following the decision.  This could be due to judge change or judges handling of dog(s).

7.  Client(s) that enter a show for the purpose of drawing a major and after closing it is determined no major is present or attainable, the Client(s) is still responsible for half the handling AND show expense for that show.

8.  The Client(s) understand that the handling fee invoiced for ringside dog(s) have an allocation of expenses built into the handling fee.  2Infinity has the right to add additional expenses if the Client(s) dog(s) incurs them (Ex: Supplements, food, etc.).

9.  A advanced deposit of $750 is required for dog(s) that will remain in 2Infinity’s care for more than 30 calendar days.  This deposit will be applied to the next invoice issued.

10.  Client(s) may choose to have 2Infinity execute their dog(s) show entries with Dog Show superintendents.  2Infinity is to be held harmless for any loss or financial issues because of performing these services, additionally will use Client(s) form of payment for entries. 

11.  If 2Infinity must front show entry expenses due to failure to process they form or payment provided by the Client(s) (Ex: Card declined, NSF Check, Etc.), there will be a $10 an entry fee added to the invoice issued to the Client(s).  (Ex: if a three-day show and 3 entries, 2Infinity would put on the invoice $30.)

12.  Client(s) may choose to do their own dog(s) or financial issues because of the Client(s) entries.

13.  The Client(s) agrees and understands that all invoices are due upon receipt.  2Infinity will submit invoices to Client(s) at closely after the completion of a show or the end of the month if dog(s) are continuously shown.

a.  2Infinity has the right to determine or accept payment plan options, this is not a normal situation and will be a case-by-case basis.

14.  2Infinity’s returned check fee is $35 per check, plus any additional bank fees associated with the transaction. 

15.  2Infinity may choose to move Client(s) to a CASH only or pre-payment basis based on payment history.

16.  2Infinity’s will assess a monthly 10% interest rate to all invoices not paid within 30 days of receipt.

a.  2Infinity may proceed with filing a Small Claims lawsuit if account is more than 3 months in past due. 

18.  2Infinity shall retain all cash awards the Client(s) dog(s) may win during the show.

Health, Safety, and Wellbeing

19.  If 2Infinity is transporting the dog(s), the Client(s) will sign a TRAVEL Addendum for the dog(s) in question.

20.  Client(s) has authorized temporary ringside possession of the described dog(s) to 2Infinity during the show times.  2Infinity will provide reasonable care for the dog(s) while the above-described dog(s) are in their possession.  2Infinity assumes no additional liability associated with the above-described dog(s) and is not responsible for any illness or injury that befalls the dog(s) up to and including the death of the dog(s) while in 2Infinity’s care.

21.  2Infinity carries KennelPro insurance through Mourer Foster Inc.  Policy Number KP104357.  2Infinity does not carry individual insurance for dog(s) related loss or death, Client(s) are encouraged procure insurance for their dog(s) if they desire.

General Provisions

22.  This agreement will be legal, and binding form the date it is executed and terminates when the Client(s) or 2Infinity does so in writing (text, messenger, or email).

23.  2Infinity is not responsible for items provided by the Client(s) to 2Infinity.  This may include but not limited to leashes, collars, bowls, toys, bedding, etc.  2Infinity will use proper care with items.  Please read “Handling What to Expect” for best practices.

24.  2Infinity acknowledges all dog(s) will be shown personally, except under circumstances beyond 2Infinity’s control, at which time the Client(s) understand that 2Infinity’s assistant or another competent handler will replace 2Infinity.

a.  Client(s) have been informed which dog(s) is the campaign dog for the calendar year and the priority hierarchy.  Client(s) understands and accepts their place of priority within the active string of dogs.

25.  Client(s) hereby stipulates and attests that they have the power and authority to enter into this agreement with 2Infinity.  In the case where dog(s) is/are owned by multiple parties, 2Infinity is accepting the signature on this agreement as an authorized representative of all the dog(s) owners that 2Infinity will be handling.

26.  Client(s) have reviewed this agreement and fully understands and agrees to its terms surrounding handling services. 

Legal Terms

This agreement contains the entire understanding of both parties relating to the handling of the dog(s) and shall be construed and enforced through Oregon State Laws. Both parties agree that if any term, provision, condition or covenant of this agreement, for any reason, where held illegal, invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract will remain in full force and effect. 

Any legal action filed by either part in connection with this contract shall be filed in Polk County, Oregon.  It is agreed that should any legal action result from the Client(s) breeching this contract, the Client(s) shall bear all legal cost, attorney’s fees and expert fees incurred by 2Infinity if 2Infinity received a verdict in their favor.

No claims other than the provisions mentioned above have been made.  All modifications to this agreement shall be in writing and signed by all parties.  Each part acknowledges that they have read and understand the terms and conditions of this agreement, consisting of three (3) pages, and have voluntarily entered and executed this handling agreement.

Entered this contract on the _____ day of ____________, 20___.

Signature of Client(s):  __________________________________________

Printed Name: _____________________________________________________


*The 2Infinity Price List is subject to change during financial review times in January and July of the calendar year.


Dog Show Handling Agreement

TRAVEL Addendum

This is the TRAVEL Addendum with 2Infinity Professional Handling (DBA of 2Infinity Rottweilers LLC), hereafter knowns as 2Infinity and the below individuals.

Clients(s) printed name(s): _____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Email: _______________________________________ Primary Phone: __________________________,


T1.  The Client(s) understand that the handling fee invoiced for travel dog(s) does NOT include expenses allocated for that dog(s).

T2.  The Client(s) understand that the handling invoice shall include an “Expense” line item which encompass miles traveled, accommodations (if applicable, motel or RV), general expenses (food, tolls, etc.), and care during the trip/show (walks, feeding, etc.).  The Client(s) agrees that all cost for the trip/show associated with the handing of the described dog(s) shall be borne by the Client(s).  This included but is not limited to; USDA health certificates if required to travel, Veterinary services for emergency treatment, special diets, entry fees, or health evaluation.

Health, Safety, and Wellbeing

T3.  If 2Infinity is transporting/traveling with the dog(s), they will have all required documents needed to legally transport them to and from show sites.  (Ex: Vaccination information)

T4.  The Client(s) guarantees that the above-described dog(s) is in sufficiently good health at the time of transfer to 2Infinity.  If 2Infinity at any time during 2Infinity’s possession they feel the health of the dog(s) makes it not safe to transport or show, 2Infinity will consult a veterinarian and determine next steps. The decision of the veterinarian and 2Infinity regarding continuation of the trip or show will be communicated to the Client(s). Client(s) agrees to pay any additional costs that arise for 2Infinity should the dog(s) be deemed unable to continue the trip or show by 2Infinity or a licensed veterinarian.

T5.  2Infinity will exercise each dog(s) a minimum of 3 times a day.  This includes stretching, potty, and water.

T6.  2Infinity will feed each dog(s) per the owners’ instructions. 

T7.  2Infinity will send photos to Client(s) upon their request, taken when safe to do so (not while driving). 

T8.  2Infinity will provide reasonable care for the dog(s) while the above-described dog(s) are in their possession. 

T9.  2Infinity assumes no additional liability associated with the above-described dog(s) and is not responsible for any illness or injury that befalls the dog(s), up to and including the death of the dog(s) while in 2Infinity’s care.

T10.  When shows require an overnight stay 2Infinity will ensure their safety.  If 2Infinity is transporting dog(s) in an RV and a member or authorized representative of 2Infinity will be sleeping in the RV, the dog(s) will also overnight in the RV.

T11.  2Infinity will ensure the dog(s) safety and they will be in a crate suitable for that breed.  During travel they will be in a hard style crate safe for travel (RV = East Coast, Transit = Ruffland).  During show times they may be in temporary crates suitable for that breed.

T12.  2Infinity will transport in a vehicle that is safe for that specific trip.  Each vehicle carries appropriate insurance for transport. Each vehicle has been inspected by the AKC and deemed passing (Aug 2023).

T13.  2Infinity carries KennelPro insurance through Mourer Foster Inc.  Policy Number KP104357.  2Infinity does not carry individual insurance for dog(s) related loss or death, Client(s) are encouraged procure insurance for their dog(s) if they desire.  (Review term #T8 & T9 regarding care and custody)

T14.  Client(s) has authorized temporary possession of the described dog(s) to 2Infinity during the transport/show.  Statement:

            I ____________________ authorize temporary possession of _____________________ to 2Infinity while 2Infinity is transporting/handling my dog(s) at Dog Shows.  2Infinity may make decisions (including medical) and act in the best interest of my dog(s) if taken to a veterinary clinic. 

                        Signature Client(s)/Owner(s)____________________________________________________

                        Date: __________________________________________

Legal Terms

This TRAVEL addendum contains the entire understanding of both parties relating to the travel/handling of the dog(s) and shall be construed and enforced through Oregon State Laws. Both parties agree that if any term, provision, condition, or covenant of this addendum, for any reason, where held illegal, invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remainder of this contract will remain in full force and effect. 

Any legal action filed by either party in connection with this contract shall be filed in Polk County, Oregon.  It is agreed that should any legal action result from the Client(s) breeching the original handling agreement and this addendum, the Client(s) shall bear all legal cost, attorney’s fees and expert fees incurred by 2Infinity if 2Infinity received a verdict in their favor.

No claims other than the provisions mentioned above have been made.  All modifications to this addendum shall be in writing and signed by all parties.  Each part acknowledges that they have read and understand the terms and conditions of this addendum, consisting of two (2) pages [labeled page 4 & 5], and have voluntarily entered and executed the original handling agreement and this travel addendum.

Entered this addendum on the _____ day of ____________, 20___.

Signature of Client(s):  __________________________________________

Printed Name: _____________________________________________________